Coba Alert

UPDATE: Re NUMC Staffing Class Action Grievance and Restraining Order Request

March 22, 2023

Dear COBA Members;

Regarding the NUMC Staffing grievance that COBA filed yesterday and the request for a Restraining Order:

All legal briefs were filed and we anticipated a hearing sometime this afternoon in State Supreme Court in Mineola. This we believed through past experience would be any time after 2pm or so.

Information was traded back and forth with the law clerk and before we knew it, it was 5pm and no decision was made by the assigned Judge either to approve the TRO in support of Arbitration, deny the request or direct oral arguments at a hearing.

It's not completely unusual to have a judge rule after hours depending upon their personal choice, but it became apparent that no decision was forthcoming today.

We're now in a holding pattern until we hear the Judge's ruling.

The issue will get taken up again first thing in the am.

I will keep you all apprised of developments as they occur.

Brian Sullivan, COBA President


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