Coba Alert

February General Membership Meeting Recap

March 1, 2024

Dear COBA Members,

On February 28, 2024, COBA held the first of its three General Membership meetings for 2024. I appreciate all those members who took the time out of their evenings to attend.

Your new COBA Board has listened to the membership and are working on having our General meetings at more private locations and going forward will be serving food and refreshments prior to the meeting.

For those unable to attend for personal reasons or work, below is a recap of the topics discussed and essential information we as a Board feel that all members should be aware of.


- Today marks the 60th day in Office for your new COBA Board. While we have encountered our bumps in the road; rest assured, we have been working day and night to be receptive to all our member’s needs. As stated before, we can’t do this without you. Please don’t assume the Union was notified of a situation. We would rather get 40 calls on the same issue, than 40 people assuming we were already notified.

- Raises were effective February 9, 2024, and should have been reflected in all Officer’s checks dated February 22, 2024.

- The COBA Board has been working with the County on our Retro monies. While we cannot go back and fix things before this Board assumed Office, we will fight the County to hold them accountable for every aspect of our mutually agreed upon contract.

- Unfortunately, I cannot give a definitive date at this time. I can tell you that in the Worst-case scenario, we should receive our Retro Checks in about 4 Pay Periods. So roughly, it will be the middle to end of April. Once this is completed, we can move forward with our Grievance filed regarding the breach in payment in accordance with our contract.

- Currently, an Academy Class of 25 Recruits are slated to graduate by the end of April. The County budgeted 80 for 2024. COBA is working with Civil Service and the Administration to ensure we hire all those budgeted for this fiscal year.

As we all know, more bodies will allow more promotions and increased movement into outside units.

- We would like to commend all those Officers involved with the recent overdoses. Our Correction Officers responded quickly, and because of the aid rendered, all inmates were treated and released from the hospital.

In the last two months, we as a Union Board have been able to come to agreeable resolutions with the Administration on the following issues, avoiding wasting valuable Grievance Slots for the upcoming months.

- Working Down policy for Sergeants

- Overtime ending at 1600 not 1530 prior to In-Service

- Hospital Transport for Injured Officers

- Additional time off slot for Midnight Officers

- Additional time off slot for Corporals

- Video Camera Review Policy prior to writing or submitting any report

- Having our Gang Unit conduct background checks on the large number of vendors who will be working on the 832 Roof Project

- Adding a Corporal to D02

- Meal Reliefs for various posts instead of “self-reliefs”


a. AUDIT: Being conducted by an outside accounting firm.

b. BUDGET: In place, please see attached graph.

c. BY-LAWS: No Report

d. PUBLICITY: Books, Cards, and Stickers were distributed. If any member needs more, don’t hesitate to contact a Union Board member.

e. SPECIAL EVENTS: Retirement Dinner was a success, with great feedback. We will be looking to change some things in subsequent years.

g. GOOD & WELFARE: No Report


Report by 3rd VP Gulliksen,

Thank you all for joining us tonight. Since January, I’ve hit the ground running and have settled into my role. I’m currently gearing up for several grievance arbitrations in the coming weeks and have dedicated time to prepare for them. Additionally, I’ve taken the time to index, catalog, and scan numerous old case files to streamline future reference.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any issues that may arise. Your feedback and collaboration are invaluable as we navigate through our responsibilities together.

i. INSURANCE: Please update your information if you have recent changes.

j. LEGAL: No Report


Report given by 1st VP President Maurus:

- COVID Leave slated to be removed from NYS Budget 7/31/24. I am currently monitoring and will know more when the budget is passed on 4/1.

- 401a/457: working with other unions on changes and updates.

- Currently tracking a few bills on the Democratic side in relation to Correction Officers. It’s all in the beginning stages right now.


Report given by 4th VP Cowen

From January.

-D-Visiting sewage issue was rectified. Acceptable repairs were made as per the unit Supervisor.

-TEK84 machine exposure concerns were addressed. Routine inspections are performed when the machines are serviced. Additional information has been requested from NYS.

-The Portable X-Ray machine safety concerns were addressed with Med. Trans Supervisor. I am in the process of obtaining additional literature on these machines.


I will meet individually with TCs to address Health and Safety issues in and around the facility.

I have set up a GroupMe with the Health & Safety Committee to make communication more efficient.

E02 GH issues were brought to my attention. I will be visiting the 832 Building to address these concerns.

Please get in touch with me or any Delegate/Executive Board member for any Health and Safety issues so we can address them.

m. HOUSE: No Report


Report given by 2nd VP James:

The Department has begun to pay the money owed to the Medscope physician, but the account is still outstanding, and therefore, Medscope is still not up and running. We currently have over 40 members waiting to see Medscope for their 207-c cases.

Several members have been affected by Swaps while they have been excused from duty with an active 207-c claim. Currently, the County has no code that allows Human Resources to use more than 8 hours of 207-c leave on a given day. Because of this, members who are out 207-c, with prior Swaps scheduled, have been charged sick time when a Swap has been scheduled on the same day they are expected to work their regular tour of duty. Human Resources has been working diligently with County HR to resolve this issue. While there is no resolution to the problem, the Union is monitoring the situation and will update those affected when a resolution has been enacted.

Treasurer Report


News from the Nassau County Sheriff’s Correction Officers Benevolent Association



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