Coba Alert

COVID Voluntary Vaccinations Update Tuesday Jan 12th, 2021

January 12, 2021

COVID-19 Voluntary Vaccinations Update - Tuesday January 12th, 2021

Dear COBA Members;

As you all know, this past weekend the County directed the Sheriffs Dept and all other Uniformed County Agencies to canvass all of their staffs in an effort to formulate lists of all First Responders who wish to receive the Voluntary COVID vaccinations that are now becoming available. This is all done at the direction of the State, under who's authority the vaccine program for the Counties is being conducted.

These lists are then to be used by the County to setup appointments for those employees to receive the vaccines once they have been received by the State and authorization for distribution is approved. As of now the program will be emanating out of Nassau University Medical Center. We have also been advised that additional distribution site/s will be staffed once the vaccines are delivered and the program is authorized to begin. Again, all at the direction of the State under its Phased Distribution Program.

We were advised that the program was to begin today (Tuesday 1/12/21) but a few things have occurred in the last 2 days that have delayed this rollout.

1.) The State has yet to deliver the vaccines to NUMC for distribution.

2.) Gov. Cuomo has interjected a new wrinkle into the distribution program

wherein he wants to ensure equitable distribution of the vaccine so that one

group is not favored while other groups are delayed. This includes people

over 75 yrs of age.

3.) Today the 75 yr old age group was lowered to age 65.

What this means is that once the vaccines are delivered, a formula has apparently been put in place by the State where a percentage of each group will be given appointments for vaccines on a rotating basis to ensure equitable distribution. A percentage of each group of Police, Corrections, Fire Marshalls etc will be done at a time so that one group isn't treated favorably over another. Lets see how this works out.

The general consensus is that it may cause further delays.


We have also been advised that certain Healthcare Providers like Northwell Health and NYU Langone have sent out notices that they will be distributing COVID Vaccines under the own auspices for Phase 1a and Phase 1b eligible participants. This is separate and distinct from the governmental plan being administered through the State and County.

Preliminary investigation of these private distribution programs has found that they are also having trouble with supplies of the vaccine from the State and even though their websites and contact links state that they are able to make appointments for those eligible, it has proven very difficult to secure an appointment.

NYU Langone in particular sent out a notice earlier today to patients stating that they are now offering COVID vaccines to eligible patients and that they would text their patients as the vaccines become available.

Later today, Langone sent another notice for their patients to stop calling their Doctors as supplies are very limited and no appointments are available.

This extremely poor rollout of these programs has caused nothing but confusion and frustration for everyone. The State and these Healtcare Providers appear to be taking credit for these programs that very few people to date have been able to participate in. This is government bureaucracy at its finest.

There appears to be every indication that the rollout will commence in earnest once the State provides the vaccines to the local governments.

If you are able to secure an appointment for a vaccine through your private medical provider, please feel free to do so. You have that right.

If that is the case, simply notify the County when they contact you that you were able to get a vaccine on your own. You will be removed from the County list. Please keep any proof of vaccination that you receive.

We will keep you apprised of all events related to this as they transpire.

Obviously things are changing day to day.

Stay Healthy and Safe;

Always In Unity;

Brian Sullivan, COBA President


News from the Nassau County Sheriff’s Correction Officers Benevolent Association



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