Coba Alert

COBA's On Site Jail Union Office To Be Staffed Every Thursday Beginning March 25th

March 22, 2021

Dear COBA Members;

We have all known during our careers that the Jail is one of the biggest rumor mills there is. Remember the old joke that "If you heard it in the OM it must be true".

Over the past several weeks, the rumor mill has been working in high gear. There have been numerous stories coming from all areas of this job, and without getting into specifics, this uptick in nonsense only creates problems, animosity and paranoia among our ranks.

We all know that some people just want to watch the world burn. That is evident everywhere in society today. But in this occupation, as we always say, we are all we have. From a State Government that hates Law Enforcement to a County Government that only cares about dollars and cents, we have to control our day to day mindset by not getting sucked into agendas emanating from the nameless and the faceless. Rumors that come from anonymous sources only serve to demoralize us if we allow ourselves to be a part of it.

You all know that I am a big fan of using this email service and social media to convey up to date information to our Members. It is the easiest most convenient way to keep you all informed of what is going on with your union. From experience, this Union provides more information to our Members than any other local Union.

Unfortunately, I have had conversations recently with members asking about certain topics, and when I ask them if they read the email about that topic, they say "no I don't really read the union emails".

That is very frustrating to me.

With that in mind, and in an effort to continue to provide as much real time and up to date information as possible, and in an effort to throw water on the rumor mill, COBA's Executive Board will open and staff the on site Union Office adjacent to the Core Control Desk every Thursday afternoon from 2pm to 5pm. As the platoons cycle in and out every week, all of our Members will have the opportunity to stop in and ask any questions on any topics they wish, before and after their tours or during meal breaks. Now that COVID restrictions have loosened and Lineups are being conducted again, we will also be addressing lineups again on all tours.

Unless we are involved in a contract negotiation meeting or some other circumstance arises that we must address, the Jail Union office will be open for the foreseeable future by members of the Executive Board, again every Thursday from 2-5pm.

See you there. Stay safe.

Always in Unity;

Brian Sullivan, COBA President


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