Moving Forward COBA Will Conduct All Voting Electronically.
A Test Will Be Conducted This Week.
Dear COBA Members;
Recently COBA's By Laws were changed to allow for Electronic Voting in Union Elections and Contract Ratification Votes. This saves time, expense and allows for much greater participation of our membership in the democratic process.
Over the past few weeks we have been canvasing our membership to update our database of emails and cell phone numbers as this will be how the voting will be conducted. A secure like will be sent to each COBA Member with a code assigned to each member individually. You would click on that link either in your email or on your cell phone at which time a ballot would appear and you can simply cast your vote immediately right there wherever you are.
This negates the need for Absentee Ballots and allows our Members to vote even if you are away or on a day off. You dont need to report to the jail to vote.
This coming Wednesday Sept 13th, we will be sending out a TEST BALLOT to all COBA Members to test this new system and our database to make sure we can move ahead with this new way of voting.
Again, the actual Test Ballot will be going out Wednesday morning.
See below a Sample Ballot of what the actual Test Ballot and future Ballots would look like. The links on the sample below do not work.
When you receive the test ballot on Wednesday simply click YES that you received it so that we may confirm your participation in this process.
Brian Sullivan, COBA President