Coba Alert

Longevity Agreement Fact Sheet

March 31, 2022

Dear COBA Members;

The Membership's Longevity Ratification Vote has been scheduled for Wednesday April 6th, 2022.

This will be conducted in the same manner as Union Elections, where Voting Machines will be placed at the Jail's on site Union Office in the A-Bldg Moat just outside the Main Control Desk.

Voting will be take place between 0600 hours and 1900 hours.

As per COBA By Laws, an Election/Ratification Voting Committee has been chosen and consists of the following Officers:

CO Jay Doughty Plt.4 Desk Ext. 4171

CO Eddie Firth Plt. 6 Desk Ext. 4500

CO Pat Manganaro Visiting Ext. 4600/3771

See the flier below for Absentee Ballot information. Absentee Ballots are available as of today for any Member who is off on an entitlement day. If you are on a regular day off, you will need to vote in person.

Absentee Ballots may only be obtained from the Election Committee Officers, and must be returned only to them.

Do NOT return them to the COBA Office.

Absentee Ballots must be returned by no later than close of business (5PM) on Tuesday April 5th, 2022.

In Unity;

Brian Sullivan, COBA President


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