Coba Alert

Contract Negotiation Update

October 7, 2021

Dear COBA Members;

As you all know, rumors are running rampant with regard to the status of our contract negotiations. This union has been very protective of releasing any information before an agreement is reached. It serves no purpose to speculate or discuss what is being negotiated because the issues can change very quickly, and what was agreed upon yesterday is now off the table.

I know full well that it can be very frustrating listening to the rumor mill and trying to decide what is real and what is not, and most importantly whether the rumors you are hearing are even in ball park of what is actually being negotiated.

With that in mind, I would like to dispel some rumors and tell you exactly where we are in our negotiations.

First: We are working daily on a successor agreement to our contract, and it is the top priority for your entire Executive Board. We are late in doing our political endorsements and a few other issues because the contract is our number one focus.

Second: As to talk that the Union or the Membership will "not take the first thing we are offered". I can tell you with all certainty that this union is far from the first offer from the County. In fact we are currently working off of the 12th version of what is called a "Hypothetical" contract agreement. We are light years from where we started well over a year ago.

Third: "We are close. We're on the goal line".

These terms have been tossed around a lot lately, and honestly they are true.

We are close to a deal but we're not done. And there is no deal until there is a deal. That may not satisfy some but the plain truth is that there are some issues that we have simply not agreed to, and until we do we will remain close but not done.

Please be sure that this union is doing everything in its power to negotiate a deal that we believe will benefit our members, not only now but into the future.

The County remains in a financial Control Period with NIFA in control of the money and it is a very difficult environment to negotiate in.

Remember we have to negotiate not just for senior people or just for junior people, there has to be a mix. We have Tier 4 Members and Tier 5 and 6 members that need different types of protections moving forward.

We have members that pay for health benefits and members that do not.

In the end, a contract that settles is not one where the county got over on us or one where we got over on them. It's a balance where both sides agree to terms and in particular we move forward in the best interest of our members.

I kindly ask for your continued patience as we keep working toward an agreement that you the members will agree with and is in our best interests. One that protects us and our families into the future.

Once we have a deal in place, you will be the first ones to know.

As for rumors? Leave them in the OM.

Always in Unity;

Brian Sullivan, COBA President


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