Coba Alert

COBA President Demands Legislative Action Re Jail Infrastructure

June 28, 2021

Dear COBA Members;

At a Legislative Hearing regarding the County's Capital Projects Budget today, COBA brought attention once again to the crumbling infrastructure of the Correctional Facility, and demanded to know what the action plan is, along with dates and performance markers for getting these projects started and completed. We've heard enough of "Multi-Year Master Plans" that promise investigation and remedy plans that never actually go anywhere, all while our Officers continue to work in dilapidated leaky buildings that are rife with health and safety issues.

See below the video link of today's hearing, that ended with some answers provided by the Dept of Public Works as well as the scheduling of additional Legislative Public Safety Hearings on the conditions at the jail.

Something has to give at some point, before we have additional catastrophic failures here, as happened with the "Muffin Monster" Sewage Treatment fiasco of a year ago.

We will keep you updated with information on this and all issues as they progress.

In Unity;

Brian Sullivan, COBA President


News from the Nassau County Sheriff’s Correction Officers Benevolent Association



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